Yes, I’m back for yet another romantic comedy, but I’ll happily oblige. The newest addition to Netflix, The Half Of It, depicts the lives of Ellie Chu and her father in a small fictional Washington...
The COVID-19 pandemic has consumed a majority of everyone’s lives, ranging from constant news broadcasts to a complete setting change in terms of work or school. It can become overwhelming when your...
You’re only a student during the COVID-19 pandemic once, so here’s an overview of things you could do when you get bored over the two week break from school. Cup Pong will only get you so far.
In this digital age, there are many ways to receive your daily dose of entertainment. Netflix is reliable, YouTube is available instantly, and Spotify is always playing through at least one earbud. But...
Yet another romantic comedy was released on Netflix, and we are here for it! “To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You” came out on Netflix on Feb. 12, the second movie adaptation of the book series...