“Schitt's Creek” is the perfect show to watch when you look to escape reality a bit and laugh. It first aired in 2015, and the final episode aired in 2020, and since then, it has become more popular...
Vogue magazine had Harry Styles on the cover in a blue dress. His fans were elated to see him on the cover in a dress as it blurred the hard line between women's and men's fashion. Styles are comfortable...
I understand that sometimes being with family is a little frustrating. You need some good topics that aren't going to start full-on fist fights with your family. The most obvious topic is what are you...
Día de los Muertos, also known as Day of the Dead celebrated in Mexico and elsewhere. Learn more about what you can do to celebrate this day.
What to do
Virtually celebrate Dia de los Muertos...
Halloween is going to look a little bit different this year, so we created a guide to help you fill your day with some festive activities. We hope that you have fun this weekend but remember: stay safe and social distance
Since the creation of the glorious app TikTok, the app has been a way for many people to spread recent news or awareness on pressing topics. Such as the recent protests happening all across the nation,...