Linden Amundsen, Staff Writer
All content by Linden Amundsen
I’ve seen my share of plays. School plays, professional plays, community theater performances – I’ve seen them all.
Plays have always intrigued me, mostly because I find it impressive that the actors...
For a school so adamantly against football, SDA’s flag football game was a resounding success. Perhaps it was the innate avoidance of the original sport that led to the generous turn out, after...
For the past couple years, my dear, dear friends have spent countless hours partaking in the multimedia world of Tumblr , a website where one can create a blog, post pictures, and intereact with a huge...
I love “Parks and Recreation.” It balances government antics with humor and excitement. Supported by the supreme skills of talented actors including Amy Poehler, Aziz Ansari, Aubrey Plaza, and Nick...
Let’s face it: most of us have at least one friend who is a complete and total scaredy-cat. That friend can be distinguished by his or her refusal to watch horror films, complete avoidance of the outside...
Hanni Dotson- Dotson grew up here in Encinitas where she attended La Costa Canyon High School. She studied social science at Cal State San Marcos before earning her teaching credentials and Special-Ed...
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