Photo courtesy of The California Department of Public Health
The following chart represents which sports can play under the California’s tier system. No games can start earlier than Jan. 25, 2020
California Department of Public Health updates guidelines for sports
January 12, 2021
The California Department of Public Health released an updated sports guidelines in mid-December, including a chart with a list of sports that can return based on the Coronavirus Tier San Diego. Some sports like soccer and basketball will only return if San Diego is in the Minimal Tier for Coronavirus. In contrast, sports like tennis and golf can return while in the Widespread Tier.
“The CIF State office announced Monday morning that all three seasons of high school sports in California would be moved to later in the 2020-2021 school year due to the coronavirus pandemic,” California Scorebook Live stated.
While not all sports are allowed on campus to use school facilities, sports like girls, basketball was approved to use the school track and field area.
All sports that use campus facilities must follow specific COVID-19 guidelines to help reduce the disease’s spread. These guidelines include wearing a mask, staying 6 feet away from one another, and athletes are recommended to bring their own equipment.
The sports and their return dates are based on how much contact the sport includes and if they are inside or outside.
In California, sports will be put off most likely till the spring due to the rise in COVID-19 cases and a decrease in available hospital beds since November.
For regular updates, please check The California Department of Public Health and CIF.