San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

Trump’s First 26 Days: How Things Have Already Changed

February 14, 2017

Some 26 days ago, the executive torch passed hands and the United States saw the inauguration of its newest president, Donald J. Trump. Thusly, executive orders began to flow from the desk of the president, thus beginning what is bound to be a massive change to the nation we all call home, but not completely a bad one.

Working to change our policies on healthcare, national security, and regulatory laws, the new executive orders have spurred debate across the nation. While many of these policies are controversial in nature, it is important to consider them rationally and from all points of view. Unfortunately, there has been an influx of people who are responding with immaturity and calling for his impeachment.

While I myself am not Trump’s number one fan, I recognize that it is just plain silly to call for such an extreme action. For a president to be impeached, he or she must either be convicted of high crime or abuse of power during their presidency and Trump has done neither so far. Just because you disagree with the actions of our president does not mean that you have proper reasoning to call for his impeachment.

Slight rant aside, here are a couple of the major changes Trump has made and how I believe they will change the nation.

On his first day of office, Trump decided to begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare,” and replacing this with his own system. This will lower the economic tax burden placed on everyday Americans, especially those in a higher tax bracket. Currently, the extent at which we tax the wealthy is unacceptable. It is utterly atrocious when one citizen is being forced to pay over 40 percent of their annual income while others pay 10 percent of a much smaller salary.

Hopefully, by repealing the Affordable Care Act and lowering tax rates on the wealthy, we can begin to foster a society where people provide for themselves, as opposed to relying on those with more money to provide for them. This is a great step in the right direction towards forming a more independent nation that allows people more personal freedom in regards to the taxes they pay.

Yep, it’s the big one. Trump has ordered the commencement of the 1,900 mile long wall that intends to span the southern border of our nation. Trump has promised that the wall will be paid for by the Mexican government, but this is likely not to being case. I think that the wall is offensive and degrading to the entire nation of Mexico, and will increase international tensions as well as hurt the taxpayers’ wallet. Because the American people will probably end up paying for the wall, this will essentially undo the reduction in tax rates that Trump is attempting to accomplish through his order on the Affordable Care Act.

On the other hand, I believe that general increases in border patrol is a good idea, as it will ease the terrible unemployment rates in America as well as still effectively increase our national security. Finally, the deportation of undocumented immigrants with a criminal record will both reduce our absurdly high prison rates as well as again go along with the ideal of increasing national security.

All in all, Trump has had a very active first few weeks that have set in motion what is bound to be a large change for our nation.

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