Mustang Musings: Spooky Stories
Students contest to see who has the most creative costume on Halloween.
It’s Oct. 31, and SDA students are decking themselves out with creative costumes, and getting ready for a night of Halloween fun. The Mustang chose to celebrate this holiday by asking students for their best spooky stories, which range from tall-tales you’d say around a campfire, to true stories that make you shiver. So make sure to read these in broad daylight, or you may not be able to sleep tonight.
“A guy thought that he walked into a bar. It was really a nightclub and all that was playing was Nickleback and Miley Cyrus.” – Junior Robert Garcia
“Walked to my fridge. Nothing except baking soda, but I already knew that.” – Junior Angel Perez
“Mrs. McCluan is friends with my wife.” – Chemistry teacher Russ Davidson
“This family went to India because they were missionaries. There were all of those stray dogs around where they lived, and they liked one of them so they made it their pet. They loved the dog, so when they needed to go back to America, they smuggled the dog over. The kids grew up with the dog, it slept on their bed, they loved it. They had other pets, and one day, the cat was gone. The family had a feeling that the dog had ate it, so they took it to the vet. The vet examines the dog and asks them where they got the dog. They didn’t want to tell him that they smuggled it, so they tried to evade the question. The vet asked them again where they got the dog, and they told him that they smuggled it illegally from India. ‘It’s not a dog,’ the vet told them, ‘It’s an Indian sewer rat.’” – Senior Christa Inouye
“In Montana we were driving up this dirt trail…and apparently there was a railroad track, but we couldn’t see it…one of our friends saw a light coming through the trees, and we stopped just in time.” –Senior Nicole Loya
“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. He heard a knock on the door.” – Sophomore Lindsey Stidham
“Getting lost at Disneyland surrounded by Disney characters.” – Senior Colin Weaver
“I was just in my house, minding my own business, getting ready for bed. I took my contacts out, and a spider swung down into my face when I was blind and attacked me.” – Senior John Landers
“A boy asks his father to look under the bed; he thinks that there’s a monster under it. So the dad crouches down and looks underneath, and he sees his son, and his son says, ‘Daddy, I think there’s a monster in my bed.’” – Senior Alexa D’Heilly
“So you’re with your honey and you’re making out when the phone rings. You answer it and the voice says ‘What are you doing with my daughter?’ You tell your girl and she says ‘My dad is dead.’ THEN WHO WAS FONE?” – Senior Collin Johnson
“Midterms.” – Freshman Katherine Tarangelo
“One day, long ago, this one mysterious stranger asked me if I knew any spooky scary stories… I was scared out of my mind. I didn’t know what he would use them for! Luckily, I managed to evade the situation by not telling him any, and running away. I’m lucky to be alive.” – Senior Zach Lighton
“I was driving on the 101 late at night when this man on a bicycle came out of nowhere. I almost hit him, and it was very scary.” – Senior Taylor Johnson
“I was driving two of my friends through Escondido because we were looking for an ice-skating rink, when I turned onto a one-way street. Luckily, there was a gas station right next to us. It was so scary.” – Senior Brittany Adams
“Applying to college is so scary.” – Senior Kelsey Payne
“Paranormal Activity.” – Senior Shaina Pacitto
“One time I didn’t give this kid in journalism a quote and she made me regret it.” – Senior Elizabeth Tarangelo
“When I was little, like five or six, my brothers held me to a couch and held my eyes open and made me watch Stephen King’s ‘It.’ And I’ve been afraid of clowns ever since.” – Senior Irena Weaver
“AP Bio. There. That’s the scary story.” – Senior Danny Vasquez
“So there’s this weird noise from a room in a motel. Guy looks in the keyhole and it’s just a black room. He looks again and it’s really red. So he tells the hotel person about it. Hotel guy tells him that this guy who killed his family haunts the room. He’s known for his really red eyes.” – Senior Kirstin Mattioli
“While sleeping in a cabin on top of Mt. Whitney, in which several Japanese climbers died, a friend of mine whispered the whole night, “Does anyone smell soy sauce?” – Senior Zach Stevens
“My dad in the morning.” – Sophomore Natalie Finn
“This one time in fourth grade I was brushing my teeth at night. When I looked into the mirror, there was a man behind me, looking into the window. I grabbed my mouthwash and threw it at the window. I called the cops and they didn’t believe me. I slept with a knife that night.” – Senior Nadia Igel
“Nothing scary has ever happened to me.” – Senior Allison Thompson
“Sometimes I hear knocking sounds from my trunk. One time I found something in there that I know I had never put in there before. It’s haunted. There’s always an odd number of knocks and I’m not the only one who hears it.” – Senior Adira Fogel
“Driving to school in the morning with my older brother behind the wheel.” – Senior Karen Vela