Former Governor of Michigan, Mitt Romney was the winner of the New Hampshire Republican Primary. SDA students and New Hampshire have something in common, they all think Romney is the least repulsive of all of the candidates.
Many of the students polled were left leaning. Some of whom admitted to receiving much, if not all of their political information from “SNL” and the “Colbert Report.” Is that a coincidence? I doubt it. That’s right kids, don’t take the time to learn about the issues and form your own opinions, just regurgitate whatever Steven Colbert and Seth Meyers shove down your 50 inch HD feeding tube.
That was just from the students who were actually aware of what was going on in the Republican Primaries. Out of the 46 students who were asked about their knowledge of America’s current political atmosphere, eight said they were aware, 11 sort of knew what was going on, 15 said they were completely oblivious, and 12 sounded like they were completely oblivious.
Despite their general lack of knowledge about the Republican Primaries, students seemed to agree that Rick Perry is an idiot, and LGBT rights are good. In addition to Romney, students favored Ron Paul, and Obama (if he still counts). If this group of students represents the American public, then we can predict the next president will be chosen based on name recognition and political satire. Way to go democracy.