The best way to kick off Spirit Week
SDA hosted a Pajama Day to start Spirit Week on a high note.
March 7, 2022
The majority of San Dieguito Academy students were seen roaming the campus in comfy sweatpants, onesies, and pajama bottoms on Monday. The reason why is simple: it’s Pajama Day!
As an extra-fun start to our March Spirit Week, wearing pajamas to school was celebrated and encouraged – more so than usual, that is. There was also free hot chocolate passed out before school in front of the Mosaic Café, which added considerably to the cozy Pajama Day feeling.
“Can we do PJs every Monday?” asked Samantha Kates,
freshman. “I mean, we should seriously consider making this a tradition.” Kates’ friend, fellow freshman Jovia Gutierrez, chimed in with views of her own. “[At SDA], PJ day is every day,” Gutierrez proclaimed. “But it’s even better when you get to wear PJs and support school spirit.”
Happy Spirit Week, Mustangs!