CA election update
November 9, 2016
As final votes are counted throughout California (46% reported at the time of publication), it appears that Californians have voted to legalize marijuana and ban plastic bags, among other measures, according to the California Secretary of State’s website.
Ballot measures with a majority approval:
-Prop 51, which authorizes the development of some elementary, middle and high schools
-Prop 52, which permanently extends a fee on hospitals to fund Medi-Cal
-Prop 54, which requires new state legislation to be posted on the Internet at least three days before it’s voted on
-Prop 55, which extends a tax on an income tax on the wealthy to fund public schools
-Prop 56, which increases a cigarette tax by $2 per pack
-Prop 57, which could allow for some nonviolent felons to be released from prison early
-Prop 58, which expands options for English-learner courses in publics schools
-Prop 59, which asks Congressmen to seek campaign finance reform
-Prop 63, which creates a new process for taking guns away from certain criminals
-Prop 64, which legalizes marijuana for adults over the age of 21.
-Prop 66, which alters the path to the death penalty for criminals
-Prop 67, which bans plastic grocery bags
Ballot measures with majority denial:
-Prop 53, which would have required voter approval for state infrastructure projects
-Prop 60, which would have required actors to wear condoms in adult films
-Prop 61, which would have changed prescription drug prices
-Prop 62, which would have repealed the death penalty
-Prop 65, which would have added a charge plastic grocery bags