San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

Kate Sequeira

Fire Alarm Set off During First Period

November 4, 2016

A fire alarm cut first period short this morning when it rang through San Dieguito Academy just before 9 a.m. It was caused by employees cooking in the transportation office near the bus parking lot, said Assistant Principal Jeanne Jones.

After the alarm sounded, “the custodian flies up there, and we started evacuating the school, and it was determined that they inadvertently set off the alarm; they were cooking something, and smoke filled the room,” she said.

Fire trucks arrived soon after, as they’re called automatically when an SDA fire alarm goes off. “We didn’t have time to cancel [them],” Jones said, and described the whole incident as “just a silly thing.”

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About the Contributors
Photo of Olivia Olander
Olivia Olander, Editor in Chief

Olivia Olander is a senior. She likes news and boba.

Photo of Kate Sequeira
Kate Sequeira, Online Editor

too busy to write a bio

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