Canned Food Drive Brings in More Cans Than Expected
November 1, 2016
Theater’s canned food drive was announced to homerooms last week and ended yesterday.
Although not many homerooms participated, the canned food drive was still successful, said Thespians officer Savannah Casey, senior. “The ones that did [bring them] brought in a lot of cans,” she said.
According to Casey, around 50 to 60 cans were brought in, which was more than expected.
“I expected participating homerooms to bring in around two each but the ones who participated brought in way more,” said Casey.
Theater homeroom brought in the most cans, since it was them who orchestrated the event. Japanese homeroom also contributed a notable amount.
Thespians are going to bring the cans to a food bank in the San Diego Area, where they will be counted and distributed to the less fortunate.
Casey is unsure if the canned food drive will happen next year, although she hopes it will. “It depends on who the officers are next year and what they want to do,” she said.