One hundred and five students and five teachers gathered in physics teacher George Stimson’s classroom for the latest forum meeting during lunchtime on Tuesday, Dec. 6. Thoughts about homeroom activities and students’ awareness regarding school events dominated the half-hour discussion. Students talked about ways to improve and get more use out of homeroom. Some said the thirty-minute period should be used as a tool in connecting upper and lowerclassmen. “In my homeroom, [social sciences teacher Kerry Koda] has each student share something about themselves in front of the class. It helps us to get to know each other better for when we do other activities,” said sophomore Katarina Young. In order to get students more involved in their homerooms, there was a suggestion to hold a week-long homeroom festival , where students could sample different homerooms in order to get more of an idea of what kind of an environment that they would be choosing. Knowledge of their choices would leave students more satisfied with where they spent their time, and encourage them to participate more in activities such as Homeroom Olympics. Some expressed concern that there needs to be more done to keep students up-to-date about school affairs. Students said that if their homeroom teachers read the weekly bulletin at the beginning of the week, they were more likely to participate or attend such events. Principal Tim Hornig said that the school is working on an official SDA Facebook page where clubs could post announcements about upcoming meetings and events. Said Stimson, “People don’t show if people don’t know.”