San Dieguito Academy Newspaper
An anonymous student wanders the halls dressed as a dinosaur.

SDA gets spooky

October 31, 2019

It’s Halloween at San Dieguito Academy, and students sure helped add to the festivities. Costumes, candy, and celebrations spread through the classrooms, providing a festive vibe in classrooms. 

Bita Joulapour, freshman, spoke about some of her favorite ways to spend Halloween. “Sometimes I just watch a movie; chill. Others I just hang out with friends!” she said.  

Jackie Jones (freshman) explained her plans for this year’s holiday. “This year, since I have a field hockey game, I’ll play my game from 6:30 to 7:30, clean up the field until about 8, and then I’ll take some of my teammates trick or treating.”

Math teacher Stephen Dale was found styled in a Bob from Bob’s Burgers costume. Dale also shared one of his favorite Halloween pastimes. She said he’ll occasionally go to the Halloween parade on the Encinitas 101. 

Around campus, the festivities spread, as well. During homeroom, students had the opportunity to trick-or-treat throughout school, wandering the halls in costumes. At lunch, students and staff participated in a costume contest. Among the winners were a group of nuns and a religious avocado, or “Holy Guacamole”.

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