San Dieguito Academy Newspaper
Isabella takes her job very seriously.

I tried every flavor of Cup Noodles the 99c store sells

October 8, 2019

#1: Cup Noodles, “Very Veggie” chicken flavor

  • “It’s greeeeeen”
  • Taste: broccoli, corn, hot carrots, chicken broth, rubber
  • Texture: rubber, wet paper, somewhat noodle/broccoli
  • Smell: broccoli, corn, hot towel
  • Presentation: veggies appear dry, crusty, and stale; once rehydrated, broccoli, corn, and carrots look relatively normal, but edamame appears wrinkled; noodles are slightly GREEN
  • Rating: 5/10 average ramen, chicken flavor is present but lacking, rubbery-textured vegetables ruin all good aspects


#2: Cup Noodles, hearty chicken flavor

  • “Okay it’s really good.”
  • Taste: fan-frickin-tastic; chicken noodle soup; small green leaves of flavor; broth taste; comforting
  • Texture: soft; al dente noodles; NO SPONGY VEGGIES
  • Smell: uncle ben’s rice, chicken broth; eGg
  • Presentation: near restaurant quality presentation; appears dig-in worthy; noodles are wider (linguine)
  • Rating: 9/10; near perfect dawg; would be a 10/10 but i spilled it on my skirt which killed my vibe


#3: Cup Noodles, chicken flavor

  • “I already don’t like this one.” (before eating)
  • Taste: slight chicken flavor, salty pasta taste; “flavor leaves” are dank
  • Texture: noodles are al dente; repulsive spongy rubber vegetables
  • Smell: chicken broth and roasted peppers that have been soaked in water and all their flavor is gone
  • Presentation: Yellowed; foamy; “flavor leaves” provide better presentation to look fancier
  • Rating: 7.6/10 not phenomenal, killing my ramen vibe, yellow foam was off-putting


#4: Cup Noodles, “Spicy Lime” shrimp flavor

  • “Spice doesn’t mean flavor.”
  • Taste: spicy, but lacks flavor, slight shrimp undertone, but also chicken
  • Texture: soft noodles, al dente
  • Smell: chorizo, chili
  • Presentation: sketchy restaurant quality, flavor leaves provide color and decoration
  • Rating: 5/10, good spice, needs more flavor, should not include “green cabbage juice”??? “Spice” overpowers any flavor present including salt


#5: Cup Noodles, with shrimp

  • “I can’t believe I have to eat this right now.”
  • I already hate this one. 
  • Taste: shrimp flavor is present and works well with noodles
  • Texture: soft noodles, shrimp texture ? how? Tiny shrimp tastes like a salmon dog treat
  • Smell: pee
  • Presentation: nothing special, tiny shrimps are off-putting
  • Rating: 4/10. If I wasn’t doing this review I would not have eaten this ramen


#6: Cup Noodles, “Hot and Spicy” shrimp flavor

  • “Mediocre!”
  • Taste: chili powder, spaghetti, cilantro
  • Texture: flavor leaves stick to tongue, i do not enjoy this
  • Smell: slight pee, chili powder
  • Presentation: orange, many flavor leaves for decoration
  • Rating: 5/10, mediocre
  • I discovered that the flavor leaves are probably green onion


#7: Cup Noodles, beef flavor

  • “Beefalicious”
  • Taste: chicken noodle soup, without the chicken???
  • Texture: noodles are flawlessly executed, beef is odd texture like wet jerky
  • Smell: teriyaki, chicken noodle soup, glory
  • Presentation: restaurant quality, would buy for $11
  • Rating: 10/10, all ramens aspire to be this ramen
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Photo of Isabella Ferrea
Isabella Ferrea, Spring Opinion Editor

The snack that smiles back!

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