Recently elected congressman, Mike Levin, answers questions.
A Meeting with Mike Levin
April 28, 2019
A group of cheerful women sporting Mike Levin pins chatted outside the Carlsbad Senior Center, taking names and sign-ups for the recently elected congressman’s town hall meeting. Inside the building, a group of mostly seniors sat staring at the stage with anticipation. The evening sunlight filtered in through the window shades and onto the dusty blue walls, and a cool
breeze floated through the room. The sound of crinkled flyers and hushed whispers filled the room until Levin, a Democrat who represents Encinitas, stepped onto the stage, greeted by an applauding audience.
The senior center hosted the meeting with Levin on April 24.
Audience members asked Levin about his stance on a variety of local and national issues, ranging from healthcare to robocalls. One recurring question
concerned the allegedly unsafe location of the nuclear waste from the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant.
“[We hope to] prioritize the movement of spent nuclear fuel from the sites that have more people, higher population, and higher environmental risk…I want San Onofre to be at the top of the list because of its unique characteristics,” said Levin.
Levin also discussed his opinion on income inequality and the wealth gap.
“Our economy works best when we grow the economy from the middle out. When we help working men and women advance and improve the quality of life for themselves and for future generations,” said Levin.
Levin believes that Americans must be vigilant about the polarization of many news outputs.
“I think the American people are smart enough to know that if we adhere to the rule of law, protect our democratic institutions, and do what we believe is right for our country… we will be judged positively…This is a really big moment, and we have got to get it right.”