Exploring Careers
April 25, 2019
Students pushed through packs of their peers, wandering past career booths offering candy, pens, and water bottles. Tables lined the glossy gymnasium floor, detailing jobs ranging from TV news host to European car dealer. At the table for aspiring midwives, a plastic baby and pelvis lay atop a book titled “Baby-Gami: Baby Wrapping for Beginners.” Across the room sat a floral designer weaving violet wreaths, with a perfect view of students and marines doing pull-ups.
SDA hosted a career fair Wednesday morning during the testing block. People from a wide range of professions came to educate students about what their job entails. This gives students the opportunity to explore jobs they might be interested in pursuing in the future. They even offered mock interviews.
“I did the mock interview, and I really learned how an interview works and it just, it really helped me get prepared for future interviews,” said freshman Käthe Andranian.
“I guess [the career fair] just further reiterated the fact that what I’m choosing to major in is the right choice for me,” said senior Sarah Parks.
Many students were surprised about how much work goes into each job. “The main thing that stood out to me was how much goes into these careers. I was always just like oh, I’m going to go to the orthodontist, but I never really thought like oh my god they do all this stuff- that was just kind of a new thing for me,” said Andranian.
Some students found this activity more beneficial than past activities that students participated in during this last week. “The other activities it was like you were being talked down to like kindergartners. Like, I know what the amygdala is, I know how to color. I want to do something that actually is helpful,” said Parks.
“This has been really a lot more interactive and everything else was a lot more educational based, this was also educational based, but this was more hands on, which makes it more interesting to me, personally,” said Andranian.