Sport’s Day Pep Rally: A for Effort
October 16, 2018
For the second day of SDA spirit week, Sports Day, a pep rally was held on the PAC stage. According to ASB students, the goal of this event was to pump students up and encourage them to support our sports teams.
Coming into the rally, many students didn’t know what to expect. It started off quickly and immediately jumped into introducing the teams. Each team was welcomed by ASB to the PAC stage and the teams listed off the season’s accomplishments.
Sophomore Phoebe Kreps said, “It’s hot. I like the idea. It wasn’t very peppy, but I enjoyed seeing all the sports.”
Looking into the future of pep rallies at SDA, Senior Emmanuelle Able said, “I feel like at assemblies, people get more hyped up. If we did a pep rally at an assembly, I think it could be really good.”