Pro-Second Amendment Walkout
May 12, 2018
About 40 students walked out of class and gathered in front of the PAC in order to show support for the Second Amendment today at 10 a.m. The walkout was advertised on social media, welcoming people who are pro-gun and in the middle.
After taking the microphone, junior Trevor Harrison led the group and encouraged others to speak their minds.
“I think guns are important,” he said. “I think if we don’t have guns, if we take all of the guns away, we take away the Second Amendment, then we are leaving the bad guys with the guns and leaving everyone with legal guns defenseless.”
About 900 students participated in SDA’s part of the national walkout March 14 following the Parkland shooting.
Riley Carson, another junior, said in regards to the past walkout, “I just don’t think it was fair to everybody to get them to come out to a gun debate without telling them what it was really about.” Andrew Fromme, junior, expressed the value he places on hearing other’s opinions. “I feel like it’s really important to hear what people are saying and to really think about what is going on in the minds of our youth. “
Other students said their families use firearms responsibly, and it is unfair to completely ban guns. However, many agreed when a speaker mentioned revising some laws around guns.
Senior Sam Goldsmith said, “The part of the Second Amendment that is very important to me is the right to well-regulated militia.” He said he does not agree with the fact that our military acts based on the president’s whim.
Though some of the attendees jeered at liberals, there were some who participated who are not necessarily conservative who sought insight and new perspective on the topic of guns, like sophomore Emma Townend.
“I wouldn’t consider myself a conservative; however it was nice to hear another side of the argument, especially a minority’s view. Less than 3 percent of our school came. I did the math,” Townend said.