Courtesy of Paul Kerr Official Website
Paul Kerr is a democrat running for the House of Representatives.
No to NRA. No to Arming Teachers. Yes to Banning Assault Rifles. Would You Vote for Him?
March 21, 2018
Democrat and businessman Paul Kerr is running for Congressman Darrell Issa’s seat in the House of Representatives, which represents Encinitas, and discussed his stances on gun control. Kerr said that meaningful action must be taken to prevent mass shootings and make schools a safer place. Kerr does not believe in taking campaign money from the NRA and stands strongly for stricter universal background checks and the banning of AR-15 automatic rifles. Watch for more interviews from congressional candidates on the Mustang later this week.
Would you support raising the legal age to buy a gun to 21?
Would you accept campaign support from the NRA?
No, the NRA has put the profit of the gun manufacturers ahead of saving lives. I will never take money from the NRA.
Would you support the banning of AR-15 style automatic rifles in the US and would you support confiscating ones people already own?
I served in the Navy, where they taught me how to fire nearly every weapon imaginable. There is no reason we allow for sale on our streets, these weapons of war.
Would you support arming teachers?
Donald Trump’s idea to arm teachers is foolhardy. If you actually talk to teachers, they don’t want to be carrying guns. This is a bad idea that would endanger the lives of students and teachers.
What do you want people to know about what you would do to prevent mass shootings and make schools safer?
We need to pass common-sense gun safety laws. I am a gun owner and supporter of the 2nd amendment, but this insanity has got to stop. I support universal background checks, without any loopholes. We need to make sure domestic violence abusers, violent felons, and people on the Terrorist Watch List can’t buy guns. Assault rifles and bump stocks need to be outlawed.
Congress’s failure to act is disgraceful. It’s no wonder that the American public has a higher opinion of cockroaches then they do of the United States Congress. It won’t be easy, but I will work to change this by taking meaningful action to prevent mass shootings and make schools safer.
rami • Mar 21, 2018 at 7:18 pm
You should interview a relevant candidate in this race for the house of representatives that actually has a chance at winning in this district… not a candidate that is likely to split some of the vote and send two republicans straight to the ballot because of California’s jungle primary. Or maybe a candidate that actually is involved in their community and doesn’t dip out on numerous candidate forums and has actually received public support. Just a thought