Heyyy I’m Sarah and I spend my free time hanging out with my friends and running!! #BHRH
Keep your eyes peeled for Mr. Stimson, and his lookalikes, at the next Homeroom Olympics event.
November 30, 2017
The next major Homeroom Olympic event is coming up next week on Thursday, Dec. 7. The event, a Stimsonian Scavenger Hunt, begins at 9:27 a.m. when students’ classes will be sent an email with a list of items to find.
The scavenger hunt will last until 9:40 a.m. (or before) when classes send two representatives to the PAC to get their items counted and verified by the Homeroom Olympics Committee.
There is a new addition to the event this year: homeroom teachers are encouraged to dress up as George Stimson to receive extra spirit points. Other homerooms are able to take pictures with the “Stimson look-alikes” so keep an eye out for a few extra points.
Homeroom classes are asked to sign up in advance.
Heyyy I’m Sarah and I spend my free time hanging out with my friends and running!! #BHRH