Dress Code, Murals, and More at the Forum
October 13, 2017
Students criticized dress codes while teachers supported them today during lunch at the student Forum. Also, they talked about putting art on the new math and science building.
Many claimed that dress codes are unclear and unfair. Female students voiced their opinion that dress coding individuals based on whether they are distracting peers isn’t right. Some claimed that the person who feels distracted by another’s revealing attire is at fault, not the person who sports the clothing. On student said, “You have control over your body, not someone else’s.”
However, the dress code guidelines, according to many, are unclear. “If you’re going to enforce it [the dress code], you should enforce all of it or none of it.” said senior Kieran Zimmer. “I mean, I wear shirts with death on them and I never get dress coded.”
However, a female student was unfairly dress coded for wearing only a sports bra in a physical education class today, a student said. In response, Deb Abrahamson, a PE teacher at SDA, said, “Don’t come to my class with your boobs exposed because I’m not comfortable, and you’re not going to be staying. As teachers, we have a right to teach in a comfortable, non-threatening environment.”
Many claimed SDA’s dress code is sexist because girls are subject to discipline while there are a lack of male students who are disciplined. As a result, another side to the issue was brought to light when Abrahamson stated male teachers are apprehensive about enforcing the dress code on female students: “There are male teachers who are afraid to dress code girls because you’re going to call them sexist,” Abrahamson continued, saying that there are two sides to every story.
SDA’s new math and science building was another subject of interest at the forum; many wish to paint a mural on its walls. “It’s a nice building, architecturally,” said senior Emma Toscani, “but it doesn’t really fit in. We [the students] want to make the building part of SDA.”
Some teachers object to painting on the building according to math teacher Gail Lee. “A lot of faculty members have come to me saying, ‘I don’t want my building messed up,’” she said. As an alternative, Lee suggested detachable murals which can be removed at any time. Kerry Koda, a history teacher, suggested sculptures as another form of art that wouldn’t impact the building’s new paint.
However, Principal Adam Camacho informed attendees of the forum that building is still being leased from the contractor and that the art may have to wait.
Inna Kanevsky • Oct 13, 2017 at 10:45 pm
Please clarify. Did Ms. Abrahamson actually assert that boobs create a threatening environment, or is this journalistic license? I just need to know how much patental concern should I exercise here.