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San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

The Mustang

San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

The Mustang

San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

The Mustang

Give Me Youtube Or Give Me Death

By Cassia Pollock September 21, 2011

Once again YouTube has been blocked on school computers. This terrible event occurred last Wednesday in the midst of 2nd period. I could have guessed this would happen because it isn’t the first...

RIP Hour Lunch

By Karolyna Landin, Staff Writer September 15, 2011

I have been mourning the loss of a great friend, hour lunch on late starts. I received this tragic news through a heartless e-mail – an e-mail! – saying that there has been a new change to the late...

Pineapple Soap

Pineapple Soap

By Joey Kobara September 14, 2011

Yesterday, after finishing my business in the school bathroom, I approached the sink with my usual caution. Generally I am hesitant to touch the soap dispenser. But today was different. What came out of...

I’m Still Gaga for Lady Gaga

By Kira Elliott September 12, 2011

I was actually really proud of Lady Gaga when she came to the VMAs dressed as a man. As I watched the video, I couldn’t help but notice all of the astonished faces. I wasn’t shocked. Lady Gaga isn’t...

What Does Equality Mean?

By Kira Elliott September 12, 2011

I have never understood why some people freak out so much when anyone brings up the subject of gay rights. Love is love. Why should it matter if your classmate, friend, or child is not naturally attracted...

Not Suggestions

By Anna Sheridan, Sports Editor September 7, 2011

            We’ve all seen the classroom rules posted on the backs of doors, the sides of white boards, the huge paragraphs of what not to do on our syllabus’s. And maybe, for the first...

Secret Life of a Budgeting Teen

By Kiana McCune, Staff Writer April 7, 2011

E-How Money tells of the plight of a young person learning to manage her own money, where Starbucks and “electronic gadgets” are eating away at her spending cash. Maybe this is true for some teens,...

Down With Trashy TV

By Cara Reichard, Features Editor March 17, 2011

My family recently came into possession of a Netflix account, and at first I was thrilled by all the possibilities that Instant Watch had to offer. Suddenly I had hundreds of movies and TV shows at my...

St. Patrick’s Day is a Sham-Rock

By Jack Rushall, Staff Writer March 16, 2011

              St. Patrick’s Day is a very diverse day on the American social calendar: it’s a day where booze and potatoes can stand, side-by-side, poisoning people’s digestive systems—ultimately...

R U Awak?

By Cassia Pollock March 11, 2011

Meet Ann Somnia. She’s sleep deprived. She has bags under her eyes that go down to her chin. But still, when her cell goes ‘beep’ she frantically grabs at her pocket for it and clicks a terse response...

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