San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

Art by Jeffery Ferguson

How the signs feel about going back to school

April 26, 2021

School has opened up to four days a week! So here are each of the zodiacs’ opinions, on the whole, going to actual school and seeing people ordeal.

Aries: realized how much people piss them off, but happy they’re not bored in their room

Taurus: was so excited to see all of their friends

Gemini:  went to the first class on the first day then left

Cancer: has definitely cried in the bathroom already

Leo: just wanted to show off all their new clothes

Virgo: talked to their teachers more than they talked to the other students

Libra: has never been happier and does not ever want to be alone again

Scorpio: tired all day and barely having the energy to go but still shows up

Sagittarius: has set their alarm every morning with the intention going, but has not gotten up early enough to actually go

Capricorn: started going but always ends up skipping classes and going online anyways

Aquarius:  has no friends, so they do not go

Pisces: realized how much of a social person they are and are loving being back at school

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Photo of Emily Broyles
Emily Broyles, Managing/Features Editor

"Feel this moment": Mr.Worldwide - Christina Aguilera

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