Donald Trump Announces Bernie Sanders as Vice Presidential Bid
Breaking News – In a surprise move on his already spontaneous campaign trail, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced this morning his nominee for vice president-Bernie Sanders.
“It’s gonna be YUGE,” said Trump, in a press conference filled with only white male reporters.
Trump continued by making many vague, unfulfillable promises about what he and Sanders would do as a team. In short, he really said nothing at all.
“Look, I really like the guy. We’re gonna do really, really, great things. I mean, the guy’s older than me, he’s just as white as me, and best of all he’s not Hillary Clinton. I’m not gonna be partnered with someone who has blood coming out of their you-know-what.”
Bernie Sanders has been quoted as refusing Trump’s nomination, stating the nomination comes as much of a shock to him as it does to the rest of the world. Sanders plans to continue slowly undermining Clinton’s campaign and converting liberal America to Democratic Socialism.
Anonymous • Mar 22, 2016 at 11:00 pm
“Only white male reporters”
Who writes this stuff? I realize it’s satire, but seriously, it’s incredibly inappropriate, for a high school newspaper no less. Why are you perpetuating racism when neither candidate has ever said anything suggesting a preference for people who are “just as white as me”
Seriously disgusted
Pretty 2 • Mar 22, 2016 at 10:00 pm
to DT
Bully, bully, Your’e so mean
the meanest candidate the word has seen
Your pick on anyone and call everyone else a fool
And you never have learned the golden rule
You’re white, you’re rich you crave to be adored
If you’re nominated Mr Donald Trump
from your tower I would like to jump