Parks and Recreation


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By Linden Amundsen, Staff Writer

I love “Parks and Recreation.”  It balances government antics with humor and excitement. Supported by the supreme skills of talented actors including Amy Poehler, Aziz Ansari, Aubrey Plaza, and Nick Offerman, I find myself becoming more and more attached to the characters.  The plot is always interesting, hilarious, and entertaining without fail. Every episode has a kind of craftsmanship to it that shows the dedication of those who make the show possible.  I can say that “Parks and Recreation” is my favorite comedy TV show.

Also I can say, honestly, that it’s one of the few shows where I count down in anticipation for the season premiere. When this season’s first episode aired, I was waiting, remote control in hand.

For the following hour or so I was reunited with the show I had sorely missed over the long summer months, and when the episode ended… I watched it again. Believe me, it definitely did not disappoint. There wasn’t a second of forced humor or less than brilliant acting.

While energetic and determined city councilman Leslie Knope (played by Amy Poehler) is the main character, she never hogs the spotlight. Each character is well-developed and contributes his or her  own unique importance to the show. Honestly, everyone on the show is memorable and adored, from the clumsy and endearing civil servant, Andy Dwyer (played by Chris Pratt) to his ever apathetic wife, April (played by Aubrey Plaza).

Last season’s finale was, as finales tend to be, a cliffhanger. Councilman Knope is left with the biggest challenge of her career, when one of her particularly difficult citizens threatens to get her recalled. The city of Pawnee, Indiana has come to despise her, and her future is uncertain.

In the midst of Pawnee’s disruption, everyone seems to have their own personal drama stirring. Andy, after finding a positive pregnancy test at supervisor Ron Swanson’s (played by Nick Offerman) cabin, started an investigation into the matter. April discovered she’d been accepted into veterinary school, and has to come to a decision of whether to stay at her old job, or leave Pawnee for her dream.

Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari) found himself in another lawsuit. And lastly, Leslie’s coworkers/ good friends Chris Traeger (Rob Lowe ) and Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones) have decided to become parents. With these developments we were left with a plethora of questions.

While the premier answers some of our questions, the others might take a while to play out. However, in my opinion- draw it out! I’m looking forward to spending as much time possible with P&R’s beloved characters in the coming 22 episodes, and all the excitement that will entail.

In the meantime, however, I will say “Parks and Reaction” season 6 looks to be just as wonderful as those preceding it.

Fast-paced, but neither rushed nor sloppy, the first episode was more excitement-packed than I previously thought possible. Following Leslie’s win of a prestigious female award of excellence, she as well as choice members of the cast (Andy, Ben, April, and Ron)travel to London for the ceremony. Attempting to spread their idea for an afterschool music program overseas, Andy and Ben make an aristocratic yet energetic friend, and Andy gets an exciting job offer.

April finds herself crushing on a Mongolian wolverine-ranger, Ron finds London to be as displeasing as he thought it would be (Look—a clock. We don’t have that in America. You call that a tower? Try the Sears Tower, friend.), and Leslie’s hidden passive aggression toward the situation in Pawnees is finally realized.


Meanwhile in Pawnee, hatred toward Leslie peaks as Pawneeins find her to be ‘gallivanting around Europe,” Ron and Diane take their relationship to the next level, Tom skirmishes with the father of best friend Jeann Ralpheo and resident nightmare Mona Lisa, and Ann and Chris take their parenting plans further.


Overall, it was a highly enjoyable hour of comedic/political bliss for me. The show was anything but disappointing. For those who know and love “Parks and Recreation,” hopefully you’re just as excited as I. For those who haven’t been exposed to the masterpiece that is P&R, now is the perfect time to catch recreation-fever. Believe me, you won’t regret it.