“The Visit” Movie Review

Would you mind getting in the oven? Probably, but I would recommend getting in the theater and watching the amusingly grim film, “The Visit”. You might not be able to look at your grandparents the same ever again, but it’s good entertainment. What better way to start off the Halloween month, than watching a scary movie with friends?

One-time Oscar nominee, director M. Night Shyamalan is no stranger to the chilling world of demons and spirits, with movies such as “The Sixth Sense”, “Signs” and “Lady in the Water”. “The Visit” is yet another one of his horror films. The story is about a brother and sister taking a trip to a rural town to visit their grandparents for the first time while the older sibling documents the whole experience,little did they know, Nana and Pop Pop are leaving out a very important detail that the sibling find out as the story unravels.

Unlike most horror films, “The Visit” has a more humorous tone to it with scenes that will make you burst out laughing. The youngest sibling raps about his experiences every now and then, and makes fun of his weird possessed grandparents. Although there are many jokes, this does not take away from the scare-factor. Nana and Pop Pop will surely make you jump out of your seat with their creepy demon behavior.

We are first introduced to the characters Becca, a 15-year old aspiring documentarian, and her younger brother Tyler a 13 year-old aspiring rap star. When the kids arrive to the gray town, they are greeted by their “grandparents”.

The kids are told not to go down into the basement because of “mold” being a health issue, and to be in bed by 9:30 p.m. (Nana’s bedtime). We start to see the strange behavior when the siblings hear strange noises outside their door. Both grandparents display weird actions before things take a turn into violence, which could’ve been scarier. Throughout the whole film there is an emotional aspect of remembering their father who left when they are young and the experience brings the kids and mother closer in the end.

Although “The Visit” isn’t the scariest horror film, it definitely will shake you up and creep you out. If you are looking for a chilling film that will give you a good laugh at the same time, then I would recommend checking out this film before it stops playing in theaters.