Comedy Sportz Returns

Comedy Sportz is back! They kicked off the year on Sept. 6 and to no surprise, delivered another hilarious show filled with audience participation and creative skits.

The show began with enthusiastic referee David Neal asking the audience questions to get them pumped up for the game. Some questions were, “What’s your favorite dinosaur?” and “What’s your favorite color?” This then led to the first game of the evening, “What You Got.” “What You Got” is a brand new game that consisted of an audience-selected topic and an on-the-fly dance competition related to the topic between the two teams. The topics were Urban Outfitters, accounting, speech and debate, and eating.

Another exciting skit for the evening was “B Movie.” Both teams lined up on the stage and began each sentence with, “I saw a movie about…” and completed the sentence. Some of the topics were Honey Boo Boo, Walmart, and twerking. Waggoner’s movie line received laughter mainly from females in the audience: “I saw a movie about twerking that got so many reviews, it was Miley recommended.”  Fredricks’ movie line was also hilarious: “I saw a movie about Honey Boo Boo that was so trashy, it was for sale at Walmart.”

This year’s SDA members that played were senior Nick Checchia, senior Allison Thompson, junior Ben Ellerbrock, and junior Nick Fredricks versus senior Armon Ashtiani-Eisemann, senior Cameron Waggoner, junior Mia Montes, and junior Caleb Gibson. Captain Thompson named her team Alice, Alvin and the Gals, while Captain Ashtiani-Eisemann named his team The Fierce Beauties.


Overall, the Comedy Sportz game was a success. The score of the game was 27 to 23, with Alice, Alvin and the Gals taking home the victory. The next game is on Oct. 18.