Season one of “Pretty Little Liars” captivated three million viewers, who tuned in every week to see the troubles of a clique of teenage girls and their sinful pasts. Here to help you figure out who “A,” a mysterious person that sends the girls threatening messages and hints as to who killed their friend, is and who hit Hannah in the last episode is season two, which premiered on Jan. 3.
The ABC Family Channel quickly ordered 12 more episodes as soon as season one was over and they realized the show was a success. Executive producer Marlene King says she is going to provide a “darker and edgier” approach to the new episodes, says TV Guide.
“A” will be exposed by the fourth episode, says TV Guide. Although the main part of the series is now out in the open, the rest of the episodes will be about the death of the girls’ friend Alison. Not only that but it will include more of the girls’ personal problems, secrets, and other mischief going on in their life.
For those who have not read the PLL books don’t worry: this isn’t as boring as it sounds. With the shows wild twist in the plot, it should have you thinking about it hours after the episode ends. Tune in every Monday night to see what all the girls on Facebook are always updating their statuses about.